Ian Rankin
Ian joined the board of CGX in 2016 on retiring from his Glasgow based architectural practice. He also serves on the board of Christian Engineers in Development and is the project manager for a number of water and construction projects in the developing world. As CGX architectural adviser, Ian directs his extensive experience of architectural project management to help us deliver creative light construction projects that facilitate work skills training and supported employment opportunities.

Al Priestnall
A former RAF helicopter pilot, leadership coach and lean continuous improvement consultant, Al is the founding director of CGX. Bringing together the CGX Board of Directors with a sense of missional purpose to enable the wider community to participate in helping to release disadvantaged people into sustainable employment, Al seeks to develop CGX into a supported employment business that contributes to our vision of all people living life in all its fullness in flourishing local community. Al also serves as a workplace chaplain in Ayr.
Alison Smith
Alison joined the Board of CGX in 2018 and is the Chief Executive of the Carrick Glen Private Hospital, part of the BMI Healthcare Group. Alison brings her experience of strategic governance and operations in a health and safety critical organisation. She was also the founding Director of a local charity. Alison also enjoys leading a catering team providing meals for people in recovery from substance misuse.