Think sea-side beach holiday and as well as a bucket and spade, what image next comes to mind?
...beach huts?
They are appearing everywhere, even on the back of a local bus bearing the slogan 'Hit the Beach! - Ayr and Prestwick'
We would like to make that image a reality!

We would like to contribute to the rejuvenation of Prestwick's sea-side heritage by re-introducing a row of attractive contemporary 24/7 beach pods at Prestwick North Beach.

Building community through community building we would like to enable local volunteers to work alongside people gaining work skills and experience and enjoy creating new facilities of benefit to local people, day-visitors and tourists.

We are engaging students of local schools and academies and architectural students at university to design 24/7 beach pods and eco-cabin accommodation for families, groups of walkers and cyclists, and perhaps artists and people on retreats to enjoy access to this strip of scenic coastline.

The children of Glenburn Primary School have gifted us with copies of their creative and colourful entries to our online beach hut design competition gallery.
Click on door image to enter the gallery and take a look around!
We intend to increase the opportunities of participation by building the site over a three year period.
Providing overnight parking spaces looking out over the sea to Arran for up to 10 campervans, caravans or motorhomes will provide an additional income stream that contributes to the economic sustainability of the site.

The site will be operated as a supported business that enables people with employment disadvantages to increase their social and professional integration.
We think this will be a wonderful place for members of our community to meet and work together whilst welcoming increased numbers of visitors to Prestwick!

We offer our proposal as a creative way to enhance, protect and increase access to this natural heritage place and derive sustainable benefit from what is, and will remain throughout, our common good land.